Enter the name with which the instructor will sign into the system in the Username field.
Enter a password, ideally consisting of letters and numbers, in the Password and Re-enter password fields.
Select a question that will allow you to verify your identity if you forget your password from the Identity Verification Question drop-down list.
Select an answer to the identity question in the Identity Verification Answer drop-down list.
Enter a hint for the password in the Password hint field.
Enter the instructor's name in the First name, Middle initial, Last name and Alternate name fields.
Enter the instructor's employer in the Employer field.
Select a company type from the Company type drop-down list.
Enter a code in the FICE Code field.
Select a title for the instructor from the Job title drop-down list.
Enter an ID in the Instructor ID field.
Enter an address for the instructor in the line 1 > Address, line 2 > Address, City, State, Zip and Zip+4 fields.
Enter a phone number for the instructor in the Phone and Additional phones fields.
Enter an e-mail address for the instructor in the E-mail field.
Click Browse to select a photo of the instructor. The file path to the photo will be displayed in the Add instructor photo field.
Enter a name for the instructor biography in the Bio Name field.
Enter the biography of 500 characters maximum in the Bio Details field. Click Spell Check to verify that the text is correct.
Select Phone Only, E-mail Only or Phone/E-mail from the Make public drop-down list. This field will determine what personal contact information the instructor is willing to share with students in class confirmation messages.
Select Yes or No for the Allow E-mail to students item. This item displays only on the administrator view of the instructor profile and determines whether instructors can e-mail students using the E-mail to Students function in the Past and Future Roster screens.
Select Yes or No for the Allow Instructor to Enter Grades item. It determines whether instructors can enter grades.
Leaving Days after class end grades can be recorded by Instructor field blank means the instructor cannot record grades. If entered, then Lumens will display a record grades link below the record attendance link on the left-hand navigation menu when the instructor logs in.
Enter a birth date for the instructor according to the mm/dd/yyy format in the Birth date field.
Select an education level from the Educational level drop-down list.
Select Female or Male for the Gender item.
Enter any comments in the Internal comments field. These are only displayed on the instructor's profile. A red diamond appears next to an instructor's name on instructor lists there are comments. Only staff can view internal comments.