PROGRAMS | Student Activity

Withdraw Student from Program Section

This process will withdraw a student from a program and adjust payment funds for the class.


  1. Click PROGRAMS, student activity.

  2. Type last name or a part of the last name, click Search

  3. Click Withdraw.



   4.  Type in the last date of attendance and give a reason in the comment text box.

   5.  Click Continue.


This process is lengthy and allows you to Save the information to complete the process at another time.



Class Grade and Attendance percentage are displayed for information purposes.

The system allows student to retain credit for classes on an individual class by class basis.


   6.  Place a check mark in the box of the class for credit retention.

   7.  Click Continue.



Program Section Withdrawal Costs

Program Section Withdrawal Cost is the sum of the Adjusted Payment Period Fees for all Payment Periods in the Program Section.  If fees are adjusted due to withdrawal, the Program Section Withdrawal Cost reflects the sum of all Adjusted Payment Period Fees.

  1. Click Continue.



Amount Received minus Liability @Withdrawal equals Funding Source Refund. (If negative, then payment is due to the student.)  The goal is to determine the Liability @ Withdrawal for each Funding Source.  Amount Assigned and Amount Received are displayed to assist with this determination.

   2.  Click Continue.



Allocate Student Withdrawal Payment to Outstanding Balances.


   3. Select the payment method.

   4. Click Continue.



Payment amounts must coincide.

   5.  Click Continue.



The final screen is the Program Section Withdrawal Summary.  It will show all the information of the latest transaction.